Our trip to St Albans Cathedral

On Monday 15th November 2021, we visited St Albans Cathedral to learn more about the Dissolution of the Monasteries and to try our hands at Brass Rubbing. Write about our day there, remembering to focus on what we… Read More

Sticky Question 1

Structure your argument carefully: 1: Argue your case from one point of view, eg what are your ideas about this? 2: Argue from another point of view, eg what might other people think? 3: Conclusion – What do… Read More

Homework 27.9.19

If you could have any super power, what would it be? How would you use it and why? Structure your argument carefully In 4 paragraphs: 1: An introductory sentence stating your super power 2: Argue your case from… Read More

Thunk of the Week

Remember the story of The Purple Star from assembly? If you had choose seven people to take to a new life on another planet, who would you choose? Why would you choose them? What skills might they have… Read More

Thunk of the Week

Can you feel guilty for something you haven’t done?

Thunk of the Week

If you could take a pill that meant you would never make a mistake, would you? Write 4 short paragraphs: 1: An introductory sentence or two explaining the question, eg: “Imagine going through life without making a single… Read More

Thunk of the Week

When does something become lost? Is it when you realise you can’t find it or is it at some point before then?  

Thunk of the Week

If I gave you a lump of mud to play with, would it be a toy? If yes, would it be a toy when you stopped playing with it? Was it a toy before you started playing with… Read More

Thunk of the Week

What do you think?

Thunk of the Week

Do ideas come from inside or outside your head?

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