Thunk of the Week

Can you feel guilty for something you haven’t done?

8 Comments on “Thunk of the Week

  1. Can you sometimes feel guilty for something that you have not done

    For me you can feel guilty for something that you haven’t done. For example if your friend got injured i would feel that i should of been there for them.
    Normally for me i don’t really feel guilty that often but i do feel bad. One time i saw someone got told of and i felt really sory for them, i felt like i wanted to be told of instead of them.

  2. Yes because if your friend is getting hirt by your worst nightmare and you leave it you will feel gillty.
    You can be guilty because not doing something can be as bad as doing something you shouldn’t.

  3. Would you feel guilty obout somthing?

    I would feel guilty obout somthing because you have always feel your guilt inside you.
    I would not feel guilty because I would pretend that you did do it.
    I would feel guilty becuase I now I didn’t do the write thing.

  4. If I were to be in a sitoation of being of beten up by a bully then they say I puchned in the face. What i would do is tell the teacher that it was a lie the they would get in BIG TROBLE!!!

  5. Could you feel guilty for somthing you have not done?

    I think you could because if you are playing a game with one of your friends and you spend lots and lots of money on his acount they could be in deep trouble you could feel really really guilty and you could feel really sorry for them.

  6. Can you feel guilty for something you havn’t done?Here is my opinion I think you can feel guilty because if you a see a bully bullying someone and you leave them to get bullied you might feel guilty.But on the other hand you can’t feel guilty because your not included your not part of the problem .For my conclusion I think you can feel guilty because as I said at the start it can happen if you leave something in that situation.You will although I still think you should only be able to feel guilt if you do something wrong.

  7. Would you feel guilty for something you have not done for example:you see someone getting bullied and you do not tell and you realise it is to late to tell.I think that you can feel guilty about something you have not done.

  8. Can you feel guilty for some thing you havent done? Yes or no? Do you have gilt or not?

    You can feel guilty because you could feel guilt if you could stop bulling and you don’t you feel guilty.

    You haven’t done anything so you don’t feel guilty.

    I think you do feel guilty

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