Thunk of the Week

Would you rather be a poor hero or a rich coward?

11 Comments on “Thunk of the Week

  1. Poor hero because when you get a job you will get payed.

  2. Poor hero because you can get a job and get money and progress into a rich person.

  3. We would rather be a rich coward because the rich coward could hire a therapist so he could teach you to overcome your fears so you can become courageous

  4. We would rather be a rich coward because the rich coward could hire a therapist so he could teach you to overcome your fears so you can become courageous.

  5. I would rather be a rich coward because i pay for a therpist to make me courages.

  6. I would rather be a rich coward because you can by body guards

  7. I would be a poor hero so people would give me respect. So if someone is in danger I wouldn’t be afraid to help and if they are greatful they would give me some money.

  8. Yuri and Ishaan
    I would be a poor hero because when you save people and get more money

  9. I would rather be a rich coward than a poor hero as if I were a rich coward I could pay a poor hero to teach me to be brave and therefore, by paying the poor hero a large amount of money, I would make them better off than they were before.

  10. A poor hero because being rich doesn’t necessarily make you happy, but being a hero makes you happier than being a coward as you can achieve more things in life and experience more adventures

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